Thursday, September 13, 2012

Night 4 on the Reef......

OMG, I think they just spawned on me!

High hopes for tonight!

Friday night....our BURR team and volunteers headed out for the 4th night out on the reef....high hopes for spawning tonight from everyone!

File fish checking out our tents
Rachel swimmin with the fishes
 Rachel left KML and the team of coral spawning volunteers and had to head back to beautiful Buffalo.....disappointed that she didn't get to be there for the ultimate event....coral spawning!
Shelby, about to dive in to check the colonies for spawning
On this night when we jumped into the water early to check for setting and we were relieved to see that it was actually happening! In preparation for a synchronized release of their egg-sperm bundles, coral polyps will move these pinkish balls into their mouth causing the polyps to swell and the egg-sperm bundles to be visible in the polyp mouth. Setting gives us about a 15-20 minute window to get our dive and snorkel teams into the water and to get ready to collect before the spawning begins. An amazing phenomenon is that the rest of the organisms on the reef seem to know what is coming and come out of their usual hiding place. When the spawning begins, these organisms take advantage of the extra food in the water as well and we can actually feel them on our hands, face and any exposed skin. We saw brittle stars, mysid shrimps and many fish active on the reef that night. We waited patiently with the rest of the reef community until, almost all at once, around 11:15 p.m., all of the Montastrea faveolata colonies released these bundles into the water where they slowly float to the surface (or into our collecting jars). 

Mac taking care of the larvae on the boat

At the surface the bundles from each of the colonies break up and mix together for fertilization and a new generation of corals. The bundles that we collect are passed from divers to snorkelers who shuttle the jars to the boat for mixing and fertilization on board.

Bishoy collecting egg sperm bundles for his project

 As soon as the spawning slows to a stop, we collect our supplies from the reef and get our newly fertilized eggs back to the lab as quickly as possible. 

Mac teaching coral larvae survival!

The first 48 hours of their lives are critical and they require 24 hour observation, water changes and mixing.

Caring for the coral spawn late into the night....

 We are in for a long but fruitful evening!

  Welcome to the world, coral babies!

Coral spawn care is a 24 hour job!

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